Serviços Ecossistêmicos

Sigla: PUR 44

Caráter da disciplina: Optativa

Número de créditos: 10

Justificativa: Trata-se de uma disciplina nova para contribuir com o programa de pós-graduação em uma temática de importância crescente para o planejamento e uso de recursos renováveis.


- Serviços ecossistêmicos: definições e classificação.
- Quantificação e valoração de serviços ecossistêmicos em ecossistemas naturais e implantados, especialmente florestas conservadas ou em processo de restauração.
- Serviços ambientais e pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) nas modalidades água, carbono e
- Aspectos atuais, gargalos e desafios à pesquisa com serviços ecossistêmicas e à implementação de projetos e políticas públicas de PSA. 

Bibliografia principal

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- Costanza, R. et al., 2014. Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, 26(1), pp.152–158.
- Crouzeilles, R; Barros, FSM; Molin, PG; Ferreira, MS; Junqueira, AB; Chazdon, RL; Lindenmayer, DB; Tymus, JRC; Strassburg, BN; Brancalion, PHS., 2019. A new approach to map landscape variation in forest restoration success in tropical and temperate forest biomes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY , v. 1, p. 1.
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- Ferraz, S.F.B. et al. 2014. How good are tropical forest patches for ecosystem services provisioning? Landscape Ecology, 29(2), pp.187–200.
- Gardon, F.R., Santos, R.F. & Rodrigues, R.R. 2020. Brazil's forest restoration, biomass and carbon stocks: A critical review and knowledge gaps. Forest Ecology and Management 462.
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- Guidotti et al. 2020. Changes in Brazil’s Forest Code can erode the potential of riparian buffers to supply watershed services.
- Kleijn, D. et al., 2015. Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator
conservation. Nature Communications, 6(May), p.7414.
- Matzek, V., Puleston, C. & Gunn, J., 2015. Can carbon credits fund riparian forest restoration? Restoration Ecology, 23(1), pp.7–14.
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- Molin, PG; Chazon R; Ferraz, SFB; Brancalion, PHS,. 2018. A landscape approach for cost-effective large-scale forest restoration. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY , v. 1, p. 1, 2018.
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- Rosário, V.C, Guimarães, J.C. & Viani, R.A.G. 2019. How Changes in Legally Demanded Forest Restoration Impact Ecosystem Services: A Case Study in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science,
- Ruggiero, P.G.C., Metzger, J.P., Tambosi, L.R., Nichols, E. 2019. Payment for ecosystem services programs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Effective but not enough. Land Use Policy 82:283–891.
- Strassburg, B.B.N. et al., 2012. Impacts of incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation on global species extinctions. Nature Climate Change, 2(5), pp.350–355.
- Taffarello,, D.; Calijuri, M.D.C.; Viani, R.A.G.; Marengo, J.A., Mendiondo, E.M. 2017. Hydrological services in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil: An ecosystem-based adaptation using ecohydrological monitoring. Climate Services, 8:1– 16.
- Viani, R.A.G, Bracale, H. & D. Taffarello. 2019. Lessons Learned from the Water Producer Project in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Forests, 10(11):1031.
- Viani et al. 2018. Synergism between payments for water-related ecosystem services, ecological restoration, and landscape connectivity within the Atlantic Forest hotspot. Tropical Conservation Science
- Zanella, M.A., Schleyer, C. & Speelman, S. 2014. Why do farmers join Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes? An Assessment of PES water scheme participation in Brazil. Ecological Economics, 105, pp.166–176.
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